The Washington Blade reports:

The Human Rights Campaign released its biennial scorecard assigning U.S. lawmakers ratings for their votes and sponsorship of gay-related legislation in the 110th Congress.

• Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), the Democratic presidential nominee, scored 94 on the scorecard. He lost points for not supporting HRC’s position on the Uniting American Families Act. Obama supports the bill but has not signed on as a co-sponsor. HRC's scoring criteria included points for co-sponsoring the measure.

• Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), the Republican presidential nominee, scored 0.

• Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.), a former contender for the Democratic presidential nomination, scored 95. She also did not support HRC’s position on the Uniting American Families Act. She also supports UAFA but has not signed on as a co-sponsor.

• Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.), Obama’s running mate, also scored 95. Like Obama and Clinton, he supports UAFA but has not signed on as a co-sponsor.


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