Boy, these past two days have been rough posting days! Yesterday, it was the internet. Today, it's the upgrades to the site I've been making behind the scenes. They're taking a little longer than I expected, but they are completely worth it. Check out the new "Related Posts" feature at the bottom of each post's page. (Just click the post title link on any of the posts - for example, you can click "My Apologies" at the top of this post to be taken to this post's page.)There, you'll find links to posts and articles that are, well, related to the post you're on. That way you can find more of what you're looking for!
In the spirit of improvement, I am going to spend the rest of the afternoon installing another new and great feature. If all goes as planned, it'll be up by the end of the day, and I'll be back to the regular posting schedule bright and early.
Make sure to come back to check out all the new features!
Via Pink News
The next President of the United States has published a comprehensive list of action he will take on gay rights.Read all of Obama's promises on his website
In a statement published on the Presidential transition website, Barack Obama and the Vice President-elect, Joe Biden, committed themselves to strengthening federal hate crimes protection by passing the Matthew Shepard Act.
The President-elect also committed to support civil unions and federal rights for LGBT couples.
"Barack Obama supports full civil unions that give same-sex couples legal rights and privileges equal to those of married couples," the statement read.
Okay, it looks like my internet connection is back up and running, which means I am back up and running. After I realized I couldn't do anything to immediately get things working, I went to a local cafe to have some coffee and wireless. Only this was that everyone else had the same idea. I had to sit on chair with no table and with the laptop actually on my lap. Who does that? I was one jostle away from losing my computer along with my internet access. I worked like that for as long as I could, but eventually I had to head back home to internetize my apartment again.
Can I just say that I was offline for just one day, and I feel like it's been ages. How can so much have happened in just one day?!
I'm just going to jump back in to the river and start swimming. My apologies for what I missed.
Oh, and did you notice that I broke The Media Bar post down into its constituent parts? Better, right?
The New York Times
NYT The Front Page 11/19
Slate's Culture Gabfest
In this week's Culture Gabfest, critics Stephen Metcalf, Dana Stevens, and Julia Turner discuss the Malcolm Gladwell phenomenon, Michelle Obama's role as First Lady and Mom-in-Chief, and the post-Obama buzz kill of Prop 8.
Tell Me More
Stories: 1) Big Three Automakers Take Their Case To Capitol Hill 2) Mom-In-Chief: Moms Closely Watch Michelle Obama
Audio player after the jump. Or click here to launch the player in a new window so you can listen while you browse. Or, head over to The Media Bar and listen there.
Race to Witch Mountain. Yes. A remake based on the most amazing movie ever made, Escape from Witch Mountain. I watched the trailer from the original, and in my memories it was a lot less Disney and a lot more terrifying. I'm not all that into The Rock, but push come to shove . . . .
The plot summary:
Race to Witch Mountain is a thrilling action-adventure about a hard luck Las Vegas cab driver Jack Bruno (Dwayne Johnson), whose life is thrown into chaos when apparent 'runaway' teenagers Sara (AnnaSophia Robb) and Seth (Alexander Ludwig) jump into his taxi. He soon realizes his two fares are children with exceptional paranormal powers whom he must protect as they elude a collection of ruthless enemies.
Jump to it!
I thought I'd take just a little break from politics in The Media Bar (don't worry, I'm gonna be catching up today on the politics I missed out on yesterday with my fucked up internet, so don't you worry about any politics shortage here).
Today, we are having some dinosaurs! How cool is this? The National Geographic Channel featured a dinosaur mummy encased in stone! The mummy might contain fossilized bones and skin tissue, and possibly muscle and organs. It's like when that researcher discovered soft tissue in a dinosaur fossil. Only bigger. And better.
Watch it after the jump!
The ladies of The View have had a lot of important things to say about Prop 8, and the issues surrounding this have been complicated, but Elisabeth is beginning to be purposely spread lies. This is the last shred of bigotry that the right can use to focus what remains of their ragtag party. What a disgusting thing to use hatred as a rallying point.
The View needs to get a smart gay person on the panel to discuss this. I'm thinking Wayne Besen.
The video after the jump.