Via Daily Kos:

An exciting, recent fossil find suggest Texas was a hotbed of primate evolution 45 million years ago. Unfortunately, as the Texas Freedom Network has been blogging for months, recent history suggests Texas is leading the rest of the nation backwards in our understanding of science in general and evolution specifically.
The Young Earth Creationists just aren't having it, though. Their, uh, version of a scientific theory is being put in the ring with Science. Dentist, op-ed contributor, Young Earth Creationist, and head of the Texas Board of Education Dan McLeroy has written an especially optimistic piece for The Waco Tribune. Mr. McLeroy writes:
All we must do to maintain science’s credibility and to decide if there are weaknesses in the evolutionary hypothesis is 'to use evidence to construct testable explanations' and see where the evidence leads. Let the best scientific explanation win.
Someone is totally gonna get hurt.


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