Pink News reports that the decision to create a LGBT High School in Chicage to combat high dropout, homeless, and suicide rates among LGBT youth has been delayed until next month.

Arne Duncan, Chicago's head of public schools, has outlined plans for a possible gay high school. Duncan's goal is to create a school where "half the students are LGBT and all students would have an interest in social justice." He said:

"If you look at national studies, you see gay and lesbian students with high dropout rates, studies show they are disproportionately homeless," he said. "I think there is a niche there we need to fill."

The school would be called the Pride Campus of Social Justice High School, and would accommodate 600 students.The school's curriculum would promote learning about gay and lesbian “heroes” such as writers Gertrude Stein and James Baldwin. Planners hope for the school to open in 2010 if the Chicago Public Schools board allows the establishment to go ahead.
This is in start contrast to that silly article in The Advocate, "The Cost of Being Gay." Pink News report also calls for Obama to directly address the crisis facing LGBT youth in America.


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