Based on the top Google searches for the day, this is what you guys are looking for today, folks. And as part of this site's mission to embed us gays into the larger world, here you go.
1. boston city hall
2. cape wrangell
3. western aviation
4. montparnasse tower
5. natalie gulbis
6. lucky shoe monument ...
7. factory five
8. tea fire map
9. port authority bus terminal
10. vanilla bean
This is what came up when I Googled "boston city hall" - "Poll: Boston City Hall ugliest building on planet." This is the most popular search?
You want to hear something fucked-up? Based on eavesdropping on the TV today while I pulled posts together, I can explain at least three of the searches. Number 5? Some girl won some dinner with Natalie Gulbis, who I think is an LPGA golfer. Number 8? That's the California fire where Oprah's house is! #10? Some woman won $100,000 this morning on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" for guessing that orchids are the source of vanilla beans.
Let's back this up a bit because this Top 10 list was all larger-world and no gay. Let's try this one from November 4, Election Day:
1. mccain concession speech
2. david plouffe
3. uncle tom
4. did prop 8 pass
5. mccain concedes
6. obama acceptance speech
7. david pluff
8. california election results 2008
9. obama elected president
10. obama campaign manager
That's better. Look at that. Number 4 and Number 8 show that gay marriage was a huge deal even as it was being passed - the seeds of the protest were there all along.
And what the fuck is up with Number 3!
[3:32 PM
"uncle tom" is slang for a black man that wants to be white. i've only heard it used by african americans though.
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