Ted Casablanca's column "The Awful Truth" is all kinds of fun. (Does anyone really know who Toothy Tile really is?) Like this interview with Superman Brandon Routh:

We chatted with Brandon Routh at the Zack and Miri Make a Porno premiere in H'wood, the naughty Kevin Smith flick where Bran-hon plays Mr. Mac Guy Justin Long's boyfriend.

So, B.R., what's the biggest difference between playing J.L.'s [gay] lover as opposed to playing the man of steel?
"Lots of things," said Routhie. "No tights, no cape. It was a chance for me to do a comedy...I always wanted to do more."

So how much would it take for you to do full frontal in a film?
"Thankfully, I have not even had to think about entertaining that question."
Fun stuff followed up with something even better:
When my friend, journalist Janet Kinosian, interviewed Martin Luther King's widow, Coretta Scott King, shortly before she died, J.K. asked her not only how would King himself have felt about gay rights and civil rights being on the same level, but how did she feel:

"I don't see how you can separate human rights and the rights of all people, no matter what their sexual orientation is," King reverently said to Kinosian. "They have the same rights as I, and those of us who are privileged need to support [them] because it elevates everybody."
Gay Power is power!


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