How great was it last night when Campbell Brown released poll information that said two-thirds of those polled do not want another debate? Campbell could barely contain her laughter. Even "Joe Plumber" nodded off during a debate that the New York Post called, uh, "blistering."

After a debate last night that Paul Begala said "dragged on" (before he quickly backtracked and said, "Went on, went on"), it's pretty clear that, unless there is an "October surprise," Obama will be President. Sure, Obama is "professorial." But the one word that came to mind last night as I watched McCain be non-professorial was "coot." I think "the professor" beats the "the maverick." Regardless of "The Bradley Effect."

One of my favorite CNN analysts, Donna Brazile, has written a an article for CNN.com. She writes:
After two years of talking about the 2008 presidential campaign ad nauseam, I still get one question repeatedly: Is America ready yet? My firm answer after being on the road nonstop and witnessing the crowds of ordinary people standing together for a cause greater than themselves is that the country is poised to write a new American chapter.
I'm going to quote her, too.


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