San Diego is my hometown, and although it's in California, it's pretty conservative. Probably because of the large military presence there. But it looks like the San Diego City Council voted 6-2 to oppose Prop 8!

Councilwoman Toni Atkins, who married her longtime partner Jennifer LeSar Sept. 6, made the motion for the council to oppose the measure. She said getting married “was an incredible feeling for me” as it must have been for her colleagues, every one of whom is married.

“I just want to thank you for making it possible for me to have that very same feeling,” she said.

Maddaffer, who seconded the motion, added, “At the end of the day, love cannot be legislated, but contracts can. Nobody should be forced to participate in a religious ceremony, and likewise nobody should be prevented from entering into a contractual relationship if they choose.”
Maybe it's time to go back home for a visit . . . .


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