Last night, Rachel Maddow, my girlfriend, interviewed Barack Obama. Yes, Rachel, who just a few short months ago was an Air America radio show host that no one really listened to. Now, she is interviewing presidential candidates. And when that interview is over, she cuts to Dan Rather to hear his analysis of her interview of the presidential candidate! I'm thinking Rachel Maddow's ascendant career was cemented by last night's smart interview. Something in Obama's demeanor was appreciative of Maddow. That kind of respect was nice to see.

What was also fantastic to see was Chris Matthews, who is forever consigned to the "B Team" of political commentary, being forced to promote Maddow's interview during his own show! Rachel leap-frogged over his sexist back and landed herself smack in the middle of the "A Team." (I pity the fool Matthews!) Matthews actually said, through clenched teeth, "That's a real get for Rachel. Getting Obama. A real get. That's what we call it in this business, when you get a real scoop. Yeah, a real get." It was the best thing on TV yesterday -- too bad I can't find a clip . . . I'll keep looking.

Those MSNBC players really slow down this site, so I put it after the jump to see if that helps. Definitely check it out. Oh, and can someone please tell me if Obama really does call Rachel "Abbey" by mistake? In response to a question about Afghanistan, I am almost certain he says, "Look, Abbey . . . ."

Watch the second half over at MSNBC.


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