The Rachel Maddow Show is starting to hit its stride. I really like Maddow. I want to love her, but there are times when she seems to be standing on Keith Olbermann's soap box (although anything that keeps him from using it is probably a good thing). I wish she would leave that thing behind completely and just do what she does best -- talk TO her guests and not AT her audience.

Last night was one of her best shows yet. She sat down and chatted with both John Kerry and Oliver Stone (not simultaneously). In her conversation with Oliver Stone, Maddow melded the roles of politics and the arts into a united goal with this beautiful sentence: "It's a fuzzy line between changing people's minds and changing the world." I don't know if it's entirely hers (I kind of hope it is), but even if it's not, she used it almost the way Obama would have. And that's saying something. (Incidentally, I am not the only one who was struck by this line.)

I think the level of these two Democratic guests appearing on her show is a testament to the promise she possesses as a credible source of news. Is there any doubt that in an overwhelmingly Democratic Washington she is going to become the go-to source? I have a feeling that as much as Olbermann sees himself as Bill O'Reilly's good twin brother, it might be Maddow who steps in and shows him how a sister does it better.


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