Via The Huffingtonpost:

John McCain predicted Sunday he would beat Barack Obama at the final presidential debate this week.

"After I whip his you-know-what in this debate, we're going to be going out 24/7," the Republican nominee told volunteers at his campaign headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, sparking laughter and applause from the group. McCain immediately added: "I want to emphasize again, I respect Senator Obama. We will conduct a respectful race, and we will make sure that everybody else does, too."
We, the viewers, really need to start worrying about our own asses. This is the final presidential debate, and almost everyone I know is exhausted by the prospect of sitting, on our asses, through another ninety minutes of listening to them go at it. McCain is not going to whip Obama's ass. And Obama is not going to whip McCain's, unless, of course, McCain decides to overplay the Ayers card right into Obama's hand: [T]he Obama campaign has seemingly been engineering this scenario for the past week. Indeed, if John McCain brings up Ayers in tonight it may be because he was goaded into doing so."

Well, there's always Rev. Wright?


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