After Elton, which has become my new favorite website (after this one, of course,) has an interview with the brilliant and beautiful Darryl Stephens, star of the "Noah's Arc" television series and now the movie "Noah's Arc - Jumping the Broom."

On why the show was canceled: I will say that I understand that Logo has a lot of people that they‘re trying to appeal to within the LGBTQ community. A show like Noah’s Arc is not the cheapest show to produce. Looking at a show like Shirts & Skins, it’s much more cost-effective for them to do a show like that as opposed to this big narrative with wardrobe budgets and sets and shooting in Vancouver. If they feel like they’re going to make more money on a show that doesn’t cost as much, that’s what the network is going to do.

On the treatment of gay marriage in the movie: The universe of Noah’s Arc really comes from a place where gay is not the issue. The point is that these are people who have friendships and relationships and jobs, and children and issues that everybody else has. The legal and civil rights aspect of gay marriage isn’t even our concern. We’re already established that we’ve gone out of our state to get married. That’s the one nod to how ridiculous that in the United States of America same-sex marriage is not legal in most states.

But beyond that, the movie is about . . . when you’re committing yourself to someone, you’re committing yourself to them in a lifelong loving relationship. You have to deal with all these issues about whether or not you’re ready, about whether or not this person is “the one,” whether or not your friends are going to support you. It’s not really about the fact that these are gay people. Yeah, these are gay characters, yeah, they’re black men, but they’re living the same lives that everyone else in the world is living.
Read the entire interview with Stephen's and his co-star Jensen Atwood.


Anonymous said... @ October 30, 2008 at 1:10 PM

rick, i read your blog everyday. i bought p!nk's new record because of your review (love it!) and evb is my new favorite place to look at boys. you can't call me "beautiful and brilliant" and not mention that we're friends!!! geez. i'm so proud of you. i just mentioned your blog in a little online interview. a total "must read." big hugs!

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