Keith Olbermann's attack of "Joe the Plumber" last night in his "Special Comment" was indefensible. What is he doing going so vehemently after an incidental celebrity like "Joe?" Telling Joe to keep his opinions to himself? Since when is that ever a good idea to tell someone? Don't speak your mind during a critical election?

I've mentioned before that I dislike Keith Olbermann as much as I love Rachel Maddow. Olbermann is so much a counterweight to Bill O'Reilly that he has become Bill O'Reilly. Olbermann is loud and obnxious, and he has become a bully. Joe has a publicist. Big deal. He is trying to capitalize on the fame that was created by people just like Olbermann. But Olbermann (who said, "I don't even have a publicist!") doesn't like a redneck acting above his station. And then Olbermann's list of other people on the the publicist's roster was reprehensible. It was demeaning to the working-class people, and it was demeaning to Democrats who are stuck with Keith Olbermann as a voice.

I never understood the characterization of Democrats as elitist. It always seemed silly to me when the Democratic party is populated by the working-class, people of color, gay people . . . the radical, intellectual elitist left has always seemed to be a boogeyman used to scare people. But when I heard Keith Olbermann last night, I thought, "Ooooh, this is the boogeyman I keep hearing about."

And I'm not the only one who is thinking this:
In a room full of television industry executives, no one seemed inclined to defend MSNBC on Monday for what some were calling its lopsidedly liberal coverage of the presidential election. The cable news channel is "completely out of control," said writer-producer Linda Bloodworth-Thomason, a self-proclaimed liberal Democrat. She added that she would prefer a lunch date with right-leaning Fox News star Sean Hannity over left-leaning MSNBC star Keith Olbermann.
All I can say is Rachel Maddow hasn't come a moment too soon.


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