This week was a socio-politial blur! That's why we need to do a quick review of what happened the past few days.

You know, it's like we all got on a new ride in a new amusement park and discovered that the roller coaster was a little more . . . extreme than we had anticipated.

When we first hopped on, it was, "This is going to be so fucking great! Can you believe this? Wooo!" So much excitement as the roller coaster car started moving forward. You know those ones that you loudly and mechanically climb up and up, and when you get to the top you pause, still? And when you reach the pinnacle, you feel like you can see the clean curve of the earth, and the unveiled beauty of the quiet world is suspended, motionless, right there with you for one long gorgeous moment? And you think, "This really is fucking amazing!"

But then you suddenly remember the other side, and then you start falling and falling and getting rag-dolled from one side of the dangerously rickety car to the other? And the nauseating ride goes on and on, and you sink farther and farther down the dirty seat of the car until you become terrified of falling completely out of the car like that one Tennessee girl you read about? And all you can hear is the wind ripping at your ears and a few faint shrieks coming from somewhere behind you, so you hold on even tighter, with bruised hands, to the thing that is actually responsible for ruining your life?

Yeah, that was kind of how this week was . . . .

So, let's do that quick review of the best and the worst of the week because it's Last Call at AKA William:

The first glowing reviews for "Milk" come in

What happens to all of Obama's leftover campaign money?

Pork's Listen Up (New Music Tuesday)

A different kind of race -- What if McCain were black?

Superbarack kicks some supervillain ass!

Gays know just what Nene of "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" feels like

Jon Stewart: "Your gay friends hate you"

Bittersweet win -- Obama elected, gay marriage taken away

Civil Rights take a hit: Prop 8 passes

Is your straight friend really gay? The sure-fire way to find out.

Pork's Chart Attack: Billboard News & Moves

Design e2: The PBS series rethinks architcture and how we inhabit cities

Thousands protest gay marriage ban in California

Rachel Maddow nears sainthood -- no kidding. She deserves her very own halo.

Probably the worst news of the week -- Racial slurs fly at Prop 8 protest.

And here is a list of the Prop 8 protests happening all over CA this weekend


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