Last night, I came across the "Design e2" series on PBS narrated by Brad Pitt. It's not a new series, but I hadn't seen it before. And I had never thought about architecture in quite the way it was presented in last night's episode. Thinking of a city as "the most energy-saving device man has ever created" from a human energy expenditure standpoint never even crossed my mind. But now that it has, I can't stop thinking about it.

People merged, congregated, and built cities because it helped them expend less energy, it helped them survive. And the older a city, the more energy-efficient it is, human energy-wise. And the newer cities, the ones built around a car culture are necessarily less easy for humans to navigate on foot.

This makes me think about how so much of what we do is, at its core, motivated by something as simple and basic as self-preservation.


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