I was a big Hillary supporter. Toward the end there, I made hundreds of calls to voters in North Carolina to gently remind them to "Vote for Hillary!" And then I would get hung up on after the callees would wail, "Why won't you people leave me alone! Please! You HillRaisers keep calling me over and over! I can't stand it anymore!"

I still love Hillary. She will, of course, be running again in 2016. And she will, of course, win. But who to choose as her running mate? The answer couldn't be simpler -- Michelle Obama! I will always love Hillary, but Michelle is really starting to warm my heart.

Imagine an all-female ticket. Imagine another black and white ticket. Imagine the former First Ladies taking over the place.

After Michelle's recent media tour, I was nothing less than a little bit in love with her. Especially after she told Jon Stewart, in response to his question about why potential First Ladies are now being "voted" for by the media and the public. Her response was that she understood it because the 24-hour news cycle means that 24 hours need to be filled with something, and once the candidates themselves are exhausted as a source of news it's only natural for that focus to shift to those surrounding the candidates. She is saying that she understands our boredom and our need to not be bored! How could you not love her for that? She is simultaneously insightful and empathetic.

See what I mean? See why it has to be Hillary and Michelle in 2016?


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