David Duchovny leaves sex rehab.

Transgender politician wins legal battle

Rachel Maddow and Pat Buchanan. I love it when these guys go at it.

Sarah Silverman's show is back for a third season. Whenever I've watched her show, I always feel like I've taken a Vicodin. Even when I haven't.

The iPod to die out? According to Kathy Griffin's ex, it sure looks like it.

Rev. Al Sharpton on trial for NYC protests

I'm not sure if I care that Jennifer Lopez had a breakdown.

Lesbian contestant talks about her wife on the "Who wants to be a Millionaire?" I'll see if I can find a clip.

The NYT on the mangling of the languageSomething for me to keep in mind as the blog gets going.

Via Towleroad, out Australian gold medal-winner Matthew Mitcham talks about being the only out gay Olympic athlete at Beijing.


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