Snicks over at After Elton has a recap of the tenth episode, "I Don't Wanna Know" of True Blood: "Bill goes before The Legion of Doom, Tara tries to purge the devil inside, Jason has his hands full with Eddie, and Sookie learns why Sam is always trying to lick himself. Because he can! See it all after the break!"

We also got to see a few shots of Sam's surprisingly round and meaty ass. (No pic, though. Yet. I'm still looking.) And I'll post the Blood Work vlog later in the week when it becomes available. I love those guys.

Read the spoiler-laden recap after the jump.

We start off with Sookie screaming because Sam is sleeping naked at the edge of the bed. He wakes up and groggily explains that he's a method actor, and is doing research for his role in the upcoming The Robert Downey Jr. Story.

She screams more and runs into the bathroom, where she hides in the shower and picks up a scrub stick. She shouts out "come any closer and I'll exfoliate you!", but when she looks out she sees Dean the dog, who then transforms into Sam. He says "I'm not the killer, I'm a shapeshifter". Sookie responds in the only appropriate way, by simply stating "shut the f**k up".

After Sookie calms down, Sam tries to explain everything. He has what is known as Manimal-itis, and there are thousands, if not tens of thousands of them in the world. He knows it's hereditary, but he was adopted, and the family who took him in never spoke about it (which is hard to believe, considering they show a flashback of him as his adoptive parents watch him turn into Airbud.)

Sookie asks if he can "shift" into other humans, and Sam says no, that humans are too complex an organism to imitate (but for some reason, he can do the entire cast of Gossip Girl). He can do other animals like cats and birds, but flying is hard. I was hoping he could shift into cool stuff like a winged monkey from Wizard of Oz or Ookla The Mok from Thundarr the Barbarian, but alas ... he says he needs a live animal as an "imprint."

Read the rest over at snicks's blog.


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