Today, I am inaugurating a new daily feature here on AKAWilliam.com - The Lady's Brunch Burger Award! Each and every day, the worst person of that day is going to receive between 1 and 5 Lady's Brunch Burgers for saying something homophobic, sexist, racist, or just plain dumb. Whoever the recipient is can take a big ol' bite out of TLBB.

Some of you may be familiar with TLBB, some of you may not be. For those of you unfamiliar with The Lady's Brunch Burger, let me get you up to speed.

Paula Deen, the cheery and rotund Food Network star, is not known, necessarily, for her healthy cuisine. In fact, she has received death threats for some of her recipes. The death threats have (unfortunately) been removed from the Lady's Brunch Burger comments thread of her Food Network site, but here is a sample of what remains in response to her astounding recipe:

"I hope you know a good cardiologist, because you are going to need one if you eat this burger. I am usually amazed when I watch Paula's show. I just can't believe that someone actually cooks with all that butter, mayo, and sugar."

"I was horrified when I watched her making this burger. It made me sick in my stomach."

"Shame on you Food Network! how can you possibly approve this recipe and allow it to be on your network?! "

"I would never make this recipe because I want to live to see my grandchildren."

"Those of us who think that eating such a vulgar, revolting display of saturated fat, obesity-forming, heart-disease-inviting, vile concoction should be allowed equal say."
What could possibly inspire such enthusiastic support of one's health on a site like The Food Network? This:

Yes, you are seeing correctly. The Lady's Brunch Burger is a hamburger topped with eggs fried in butter, topped with cheese, then topped with bacon, then sandwiched between a split Krispy Kreme donut. Syrup is optional.

So, now that everyone is all caught up, who do I think deserves to eat a non-delicious, non-nutritious, life-threatening 1200-calorie Lady's Brunch Burger? And how many Lady's Brunch Burgers do I think this bad, bad, bad person should devour, preferably in one sitting?

After the jump, watch why I'm serving up the inaugural Lady's Brunch Burger Award to . . .
Dennis Miller!

(FF to the last 30 seconds)
For his nasty little homophobic joke about Barney Frank, Dennis Miller gets 2 Lady's Brunch Burgers. Miller, known for his unstoppable mouthiness, took one step too far with this, and that's why he needs to stuff his mouth with . . .

Eat up, Dennis!


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