I really do think "True Blood" is the best thing going on TV today. It's just so . . . clever. And funny. (Warning: Potential Spoilers Below)

Music plays a big part in the world of "True Blood." All of the shows are named after songs. Last night's episode was titled "Fourth Man in the Fire" after Johnny Cash's song of the same name. It plays when Amy and Jason are sitting in the truck, waiting to get into Vampire Eddie's house.

One of my favorite moments last night was when Lafayette was working on gay Vamp Eddie, and the song "Eternal Flame" by The Bangles was playing in the background. How funny is that? The immortal gay vampire IS an eternal flame. Love it. (I tried to be offended by calling a gay character a "flame," but it just wasn't coming. It's just too funny.) One thing -- who is the fourth man in the fire? Is that Eddie since three vamps died (presumably) in last week's fire? Or is it Jason because he has gotten in over his head with his new psychotic silver-toting girlfriend? (She makes jewelry -- she made her own silver lariat. Does that mean that she made the silver lariat that was used on Vampire Bill? I think Amy is part of something a whole lot bigger, and I think Vamp Eddie might know about it. Remember when Amy, after tossing that silver hood on Vamp Eddie, screamed at Jason, "No names!" Crazy girl might just be around for a while . . . .)

Other favorite moments last night:

A seductive Vampire Eddie to a reluctant Lafayette: "I always look forward to Mondays. First, 'Heroes' and then you."

Bill to Eric about why he didn't return Eric's text messages: "I don't like using the number keys to type."

Also, check out a review (with spoilers) here.


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