Michael Musto, of La Daily Musto, of The Village Voice, has written a post on fag hags, outdated as they might be nowadays. (Although were they ever not outdated?) I mean, what year is this? He writes:

. . . But that's becoming a somewhat antiquated view of fag hags, sort of the way all lesbians were thought to be moustachioed diesel dykes until The L Word came along. A lot of these gals are lumpy misfits who couldn't get a straight boyfriend if it killed them, so they instead fall in love with gays and try to get up in their lives by offering undying support and admiration . . . Some nouveau fag hags are actually glammy types who are simply over straight men and want to be around guys who seem to have more reason for their vanity. An even smaller contingent--but they're definitely out there--consists of the hags who actually do want to sleep with the gays because (a) they're super cute and (b) It's the ultimate challenge; if a girl can nail a queen, you know she's really got something. (Probably lots of meth.)
It's like, are there really fag hags out there? Still? Are there young ones out there? I would totally buy lonely and lost 48-year-old fag hags who have been fag-hagging it up since the 1980s and don't really know what's modern these days, but new fag hags? As in youthful? In a post-Hillary world, shouldn't fags hags be an endangered species?


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