In a decision that sounds remarkably like the U.S. Presidential candidates' views on gay marriage, Pink News is reporting that Vladimir Spidla, EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, has said that the EU cannot force its member states to recognize same-sex marriage.

The man responsible for the new EU directive on discrimination has said that it is up to individual member states whether or not to legally recognise gay and lesbian relationships.

Vladimir Spidla, the Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, said in an interview for Destination Equality magazine that the directive must strike a balance between national competence in family law and the non-discrimination principle.

. . . EU directives are legislation that requires member states to, for example, deal with discrimination, but leaves it up to the states to decide on the best course of action to take

There is at present no EU law protecting LGB people from discrimination in areas such as goods and services which exist for race and gender.

. . . Mr Spidla was asked about about a same-sex couple married in Belgium who would lose their rights and protections if they move to a member state that does not recognise their marriage.

"That is a very sensitive question. There are possibilities of transferring some social entitlements such as pension benefits," he said.


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