Rachel Maddow and Pat Buchanan discuss the debate.

My thoughts:

From the first line, Governor Palin established the folksy tone that she would employ throughout the debate. That she greeted Senator Biden this way from the very beginning speaks to her political instincts -- first strike. This is something that can't be taught. Throughout the debate, her firm grip on a slangy down-home language kept the bar from wandering too high. She surpassed expectations by making sure the bar was never raised too high.

Let's keep in mind, too, that she is a newcomer to the national political scene. Remember how poorly Obama fared in his first debates during the primary? Even toward the end, Clinton trampled Obama. As much as I disagree with absolutely everything Palin stands for, there was something admirable about someone who reaches beyond her grasp and is able to at least ring the bell.

When she loses, and she will lose, Palin will spend the next four years combining her native political talent with the experience and knowledge she so clearly lacks. And that is going to be trouble.

Biden did what he had to do. He kept himself under control. He was respectful toward Palin. He focused his attacks on Obama. He demonstrated how informed and experienced he is without making Obama seem inexperienced by comparison.


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